What is the state of your current social media strategy? Do you have one? When was the last time you reviewed how that strategy is working?
It is not uncommon for companies to let their social media strategies go lax. Social media is a powerful tool that can impact a company’s performance when leveraged in the right way. It is the most common and effective way for companies to engage with their customers allowing for the unique opportunity to promote a business while also gaining consumer insight in real time.
However, it can also feel burdensome and time consuming. It takes time to utilize social media effectively. While it might look as simple as creating a Facebook post or a 140-character tweet, there is much more that goes into creating a successful strategy than meets the eye.
With so many businesses now engaged in social media it is more difficult to stand out from the crowd. Without a defined strategy businesses can get easily lost in the sea of Facebook posts and tweets. Companies who leverage social media to gain followers are more likely to see those followers converted into customers. There can be a direct impact on the bottom line when a social media strategy is done right.
Additionally, social media is a constantly evolving platform. It is still considered a new phenomenon that changes every day. It is important for companies to create a strategy and revise it regularly to make sure it aligns with the social media trends of the day. While Facebook has been the leading platform for the last ten years, other platforms such as Instagram and Snapchat have been growing in popularity.
If you aren’t already convinced of the importance of an effective social media strategy, check out the facts below.
Need some tips on re-vamping your social media presence? Below are suggestions for breathing new life into your strategy.
1. Use Audio
Incorporate Audio into your content. Most marketing today is visual. Incorporating audio into your strategy will make you stand out and can help you find another level to connect with your audience.
2. Be purposeful with pictures
Of course, audio will be a differentiator but don’t forget about the visuals. A picture does say a thousand words after all. Social media sites like Instagram and Tumblr are completely visual so make sure your posts represent your brand appropriately.
3. Engage in online conversations
If you want to find out more about your target customer, start by finding out where they go online. Search social media to find out what is interesting to these customers. Read what they are saying and comment when you have something to say. This is a great way to learn more about your consumers.
4. Respond to Online Reviews
Pay attention to what your customers are saying about you online. Whether they are leaving you a Google review or tweeting at you, respond when it is appropriate. This rule applies to both positive and negative reviews. Other potential customers are likely to check reviews before buying from you. If they see you’ve handled a negative review appropriately they are less likely to be deterred by it.
5. Use a Content Calendar
If you are consistently posting across multiple platforms it is a good idea to utilize a content calendar. This will allow you to work ahead and save you from missing important dates. You will be able to schedule posts ahead of time and organize your content in a way that will allow you to evaluate after posting.
6. Create Contests and Other Promos
Followers need a reason to engage with you page. If they can win free merchandise or something else of value they are more likely to interact with you social media followers. Having photo or video contests and then highlighting the winning submissions in other advertisements is a great way to humanize your brand.
7. Give Serious Thought to Headlines
It is only a matter of seconds that users give to headlines before they will click on content or a webpage. Headlines are not to be taken lightly. Think carefully about what will catch followers attention and lead them to your website.
8. Hashtag Effectively
Hashtags will help people find your content. This can help grow your engagement if it is done effectively. Pay attention to trending hashtags and use those when you can. Like headlines, careful thought should be given to hashtags. Try to make the memorable, relevant and unique.
A 2015 report by Social Media Examiner analyzed the top benefits reported by companies that engage in social media marketing. Most significantly, 90% of marketers indicated that social media efforts have generated more exposure for their businesses. The second most widely reported benefit was increased traffic to website. Other benefits reported by more than 50% of those included in the report included marketplace insight, developing loyal fans and generating leads.
With the number of reported benefits, it is clear that engaging in social media can have significant benefits to a company. It is important for companies to look closely at their social media strategy and evaluate what practices are effective and areas that can be improved upon.
Cibirix is here to empower you in overcoming all the barriers you are facing in your social media strategies. Doesn’t matters whether you are a well-established company or a startup, a small enterprise or a multinational, we are here with expertise to boost every social media platform for all type of businesses. Contact us for tips how we can boost your social media strategy
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Since founding Cibirix, Ashish has leveraged his marketing degree to lead the agency in crafting meaningful digital marketing experiences for clients. His results-driven approach is a unique mix of analytical thinking, crisp visual aesthetics and a desire to simplify frontends while developing robust architecture. With a passion for design, technology, & marketing, He leads each aspect of the agency’s business and oversees its talented team of digital professionals.